Freitag, 15. Juli 2011

You Rose

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Before I noticed who you are
Before I saw the beauty of your thorns
Before I felt this universe beyond your skin

I didn't know that I was I
I didn't know that I could live
I didn't know that I would love you like a child

You woke up
You woke me up
You woke me up and turned away

You rose
You rose, like the sun, like the moon
You rose, now live, and love, and keep on rising

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Sonntag, 10. Juli 2011


Auleen ohne aundre
En frie aus een Boom
Soo well wie lewe

Nich ohne aundre
Vebunge em Woolt
Soo well wie lewe

Wie bange ons emma

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Frei nach Nazım Hikmet (Yaşamak bir ağaç gibi / tek ve hür ve bir orman gibi / kardeşçesine, / bu hasret bizim.)